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TSE:RY:TSX – Foreign Stock (Banks - Diversified)

Royal Bank of Canada – TSE:RY Stock Overview

Last PriceToday's Change52-Week RangeTrading Volume
160.00 CAD2.95 (+1.88%)131.57 - 180.452.7 million (Below Avg)

Market data as of 4:18PM 03/14/25. Quotes are delayed by at least 15 min.

Overview - TSE:RY

Previous Close157.05
Day's Range157.82 - 160.53
Market Cap226.0B
Avg Volume (10 Day)3.5M
Price/Earnings (Trailing 12 Mo.)12.8x
Earnings Per Share
(Trailing 12 Mo.)
Dividend Yield1.48 (3.70%)
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Industry Position - TSE:RY

TSE:RYIndustry Range
Revenue Growth (1yr)11.44%
Net Income Growth (1yr)11.13%
Total Debt/Equity4.01
LT Debt/Equity2.81
Earnings Yield7.83%
Key:  Lo 

Competitors - TSE:RY

Wells Fargo & Co70.85+3.49%
Bank of America Corp40.89+3.08%

Data is delayed by at least 15 min.

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